October 22, 2024

Since the early 198Os, women have been one of the most rap­idly growing segments of the homeless population in the United States. At any given time, one-fifth of homeless women are pregnant.
Angel House Maternity Home,
located in Charlotte, NC, is dedicated to helping displaced pregnant adolescent and adult women in crisis realize their dreams by providing safe housing, education, comprehensive health care, personal growth and counseling. Angel House will provide a humane environment, in order to help enhance the self-image of its clients and to preserve their dignity.
 Our Promise & Mission
is to help our clients better prepare themselves for self-sufficiency, parenting, and explore alternative solutions by empowering our residents to realize their ability to break cycles of abuse and create promising lives. 

Although the path you have chosen isn't without its level of difficulty, take
comfort in knowing it too can be successfully traveled.
2000 Newland Rd
Charlotte, NC 28216
All personal information obtain by Angel House will be kept confidential.
We would never sell, track, rent or share your personal information for marketing purposes.